Lingo VOIP Offer – One Free Month + $25 Gift Card

July 17, 2008

VOIP phone service provider Lingo has a promotion going on right now. For a limited time you get one free month, free shipping of equipment and a $25 prepaid American Express gift card when you become a new customer. Lingo offer unlimited calling within the United States and to 22 countries for only $21.95 per […]

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Verizon now offers bundle for wireless and Internet

July 14, 2008

In a sign that the consumer behavior is changing rapidly Verizon announced that they will start giving discounts to wireless customers who don’t have landlines but order Internet or TV service from them.  In the past a landline has always been required to get a bundle deal.  Not anymore.  Fewer people have landlines these days […]

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AT&T Says That Metered Use Is “Inevitable”

July 12, 2008

If you’re downloading a lot of movies and music off the Internet you might have to pay more for your service in the future.  The trend is clear.  Broadband providers will start capping the amount of bandwidth you can use. In an article at The an AT&T spokesman was quoted saying “Usage-based pricing is […]

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